ocean workshop
Mythical or Mystical ?
Discover and explore the under water city of Atlantis.
What secrets can it tell you?
Allow yourself to be transported to a magical time and place, discovering hidden depths of knowledge in this unique workshop
Visit this under water city, unlocking ancient secrets enabling you to connect within your own sub-consciousness
You will travel back through time to explore Atlantis in all of its glory
Journey to the crystal caves of Atlantis through the art of meditation
Work with the powers of the ocean to discover your hidden talents
A fascinating journey of discovery
future dates to be confirmed
Discover and explore the under water city of Atlantis.
What secrets can it tell you?
Allow yourself to be transported to a magical time and place, discovering hidden depths of knowledge in this unique workshop
Visit this under water city, unlocking ancient secrets enabling you to connect within your own sub-consciousness
You will travel back through time to explore Atlantis in all of its glory
Journey to the crystal caves of Atlantis through the art of meditation
Work with the powers of the ocean to discover your hidden talents
A fascinating journey of discovery
future dates to be confirmed