Spirit Guides
Many Spirit Guides appear to be Native Indian, Egyptian, Chinese, Tibetan, or of ancient tribal earthly origin. This is because these particualr races lived a very spiritual existence and were in tune with their spiritual and psychic intuition, and totally at one with nature. However, this is not always the case. Your Spirit Guide can also be someone who has simply evolved spiritually, and chooses to act as a teacher and link to the spirit world. This can even be a family member or someone that you have known in this, or a previous lifetime.
You may not even be aware of who your Spirit Guide is, but we all have them. Some have only one that they are in communication with. Others have many. We have found, to our knowledge, that we all have a Spirit Guide(s). They guide us throughout our lifetime, helping us along our pathway. During that time, other Guides may come forward to help with different development areas in our progression. This can be in many ways, but always for our spirits welfare. In referring to spirit welfare, we refer to the things that are loving and nurturing to ourselves. This is the evolution and progression of our spiritual development on many different levels.
Spirit Guides, can also be referred to as Spirit Angels, or Spirit Guardians and can sometimes depicted with wings. They are highly evolved spiritual beings who guide, protect and heal.
If you would like a portrait of your spirit guide with a channelled message please visit Jackie's website:
If you would like to watch Jackie channelling whilst drawing a spirit guide portrait please click on this link:
Spirit Guide appears on paper in front of your eyes