date and venue to be confirmed
date and venue to be confirmed
Remote viewing is the ability to be able to ‘see’ something within your minds eye projected
from a different place.
Remote viewing techniques allow your mind to access information that
you have previously no knowledge of.
Travelling through time and space to join up the dots that create the picture.
There is nothing new about this.
Humans have been ‘journeying’ with the mind probably since the dawn of time.
Your mind constantly unconsciously receives information.
With remote viewing you are actually consciously tapping into this unconscious
information that you have collected and you can then process it to perceive a target/place.
You are using your natural psychic ability to be able to do this, the 3rd eye
being used clairvoyantly to 'see'.
Remote viewing exercises help to strengthen this chakra and the clarity of your perception
This workshop is an introduction to remote viewing with exercises to
show you how you can do this for yourself.