Past Life Regression
Have you ever wondered who you were in a past life? Do you know what makes you tick, or why you feel drawn to a particular place? With the aid of relaxation technique, your past lives can be explored in a safe and comfortable environment.
This is a non trance method of regression accessing the Akashic Records. This is achieved through deep relaxation.
What are the Akashic Records?
They have been described as the greatest library in existence. Stored within the universal mind/cosmic mind or collective consciousness. This is where the knowledge of every soul's individual experience throughout the passage of time, is recorded.
The word, Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning sky, space, storage place, or repository. A simple translation of "Akasha" is an unseen space or storage place. The Akashic Records are, therefore, a hidden library of records imprinted in the space of the Akasha. They are believed to have existed since the beginning of the time.
On the earth plane we have various kinds of libraries containing many different subjects. The Akashic Records house various ethereal libraries in which every living thing, event or location has its own unique Akashic Record.
Known by various names, the Akashic Records are kept in The Hall of Knowledge/Hall of Learning/Hall of Records/Akashic Library. - This vast library has been described in many ways. Many describe it as a white building with columns and many steps leading up to a large door. Inside the building is a spacious room filled with bookshelves against the walls, containing books of every size and shape. There is a table holding universal maps, and a huge dome like structure. The room is very light and has doorways leading from it. Others state that it resembles a Grecian temple with large columns supporting the roof. It has been described as a structure built in pure white marble.
When the records are accessed, past hurts can be healed, a greater understanding of our present pathway can be clarified. How we use that information to go forward is of course our choice of freewill.