Paranormal Investigation
The Plaza
Witton Street, Northwich, Cheshire
The Plaza is steeped in history and our previous investigations carried out there have been a resounding success with lots of activity experienced.
Plenty of spirit activity:- pendulums flying (unaided) across the room and witnessed by at least 4 people. Moving lights appearing in a room where there was no reflective surface or any other explanation. Theatre seats being lowered during a seance when there was no one physically there to make the sound. A spirit entity who appeared on one of the 3 cctv cameras. Strange light anomalies moving in a most peculiar way which were seen by a number of people, and picked up on the cameras, one almost looked as if it were putting a seat down and then sitting on it ! and much much more.
There are always a number of experienced Mediums attending from Feathers Academy leading the way in all sorts of different exciting paranormal experiments.
So whether you are a serious paranormal enthusiast or a complete novice why not come along and enjoy a fabulous night to see who, or what, will we find this time?
next dates to be released shortly
A few photographs from a previous visit. An apparition had been seen on the staircase. Objects had been moved. The spirit of a lady was seen and heard in the upstairs gallery. Just some of the encounters experienced by those attending.